This statement-making bouquet will dazzle even the most difficult to impress. Lavish blooms—roses! snapdragons! Matsumoto asters!—are arranged to create a dramatic linear silhouette. Please note that because this is a one-sided arrangement, no flowers are visible from the back.
• One-sided arrangement of pink roses and snapdragons, hot-pink Matsumoto asters, lavender disbud mums, purple waxflowers and limoniums, and greenery
• Because arrangement is one-sided, no flowers are displayed on the back
• Artistically designed in a clear glass cylinder vase wrapped in ti leaf ribbon; measures 6”H
• Large arrangement measures approximately 18”H x 15”W
• Medium arrangement measures approximately 17”H x 14”W
• Small arrangement measures approximately 16”H x 13”W
• Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability